Jesus is Light
In the beginning, God said “Let there be light, and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3) From that point on our world has been illuminated with the Light of God, guiding our way, and lighting our path. The disciple John commences his gospel account with “In the beginning” just as in Genesis. He introduces us to “the Word” who was both with God and was God (John 1:1) who “became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14), clearly indicating that “the Word” was Jesus Christ, the God-man, come in the flesh.
Then in John 1:4-5 we read “In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” John is telling us that “the Word” who was Jesus, was “the Light of men.” Jesus is Light. Some saw him as such, but most did not. They “did not comprehend it.” And so, it is today.
When Jesus proclaimed in John 8:12 “I am the Light of the world,” he was claiming to be the spiritual illumination for all mankind. Without acknowledging him as such, we are essentially walking in spiritual darkness, groping as best we can to find our way in a dark world. But when we acknowledge him as the source of both light and life, we begin for the first time to “see the Light” for who He really is.
Wise King Solomon wrote about this even before Jesus appeared on the earth. In Proverbs 3:5-6 we read “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” He was commending full spiritual dependency on the Lord, which would bring direction and illumination to our path, making our walk-through life more trouble-free and purposeful.
At Oaks Bible Church we are in a continual process of discovering “Jesus is Light.” We know it to be true, but it is a daily adventure to unfold the multiple layers of what that means in living out our lives. As we yield to Jesus as our Light, we find that He does indeed direct our paths. As we search the Scriptures, we find that He does indeed direct our minds and hearts. As we look into our world through the lens of Jesus as Light, we see more clearly both the evil and the good that abound. And we are more able to discern the evil from the good and chart our course accordingly.
Join us in discovering the Light of Jesus and how it can transform your life!
Jesus is Love
Every person wants love. “Love makes the world go ‘round” “All you need is love” “Make love not war” But what is the source of love? Where do I find true love? The Bible makes it clear that Jesus is love. He is not just loving, He is the very source of love, and example of love, and embodiment of love. Therefore, Jesus is what we are looking for, whether we realize it or not.
We say “I love hot dogs” and “I love my mother” with the same English word. But the New Testament of the Bible was written primarily in Greek, which has multiple words for “love.” When it speaks of God being love it uses the Greek word “agape” which is the highest form of love that is transcending, unconditional and unending. This is the love that only God can give, for it is the love that only God is. And so it is only possible for the Christian to show this kind of love as they have God living in and through them.
The apostle Paul describes the “agape” love in First Corinthians 13, especially verses 4 through the first phrase of verse 8. In short summary, this love is always patient, kind, not jealous, bragging, or arrogant. It always acts appropriately and courteously, not seeking what is best for “me” but for others. It is all about the truth and what is right. It endures through all, ever believing and hoping for the best. That is the kind of love I want given to me, and the kind I want to give to others!
The ultimate love of God was shown on the cross of Calvary when Jesus “so loved the world” that He chose to die to pay the price for our rebellious acts, which God calls “sin.” We each deserved that death, but Jesus took our place in selfless, sacrificial love. That amazing love of God is the ultimate display of “agape.”
Love is not just something to be known about, it is to be experienced! It is the experience of being forgiven for a wrong done, not judged for a different opinion or lifestyle, accepted for who I am, and challenged to be the best I can be. Love is not experienced in isolation but must be experienced in community. We all need hugs, handshakes, high fives, verbal and physical affirmation, smiles, acceptance and a listening, and caring ear.
At Oaks Bible Church we are not experts at agape love (only God is). But we do strive to be practitioners. You are invited to come experience and learn with us!
Jesus is Good
Jesus told us that he is the good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. (John 10:14) He also told us that no one is good except God alone (Mark 10:18 and Luke 18:19). Put these two statements together and we have yet another claim of Jesus to be God in flesh. Jesus is indeed “good” because he is “God” (same root word).
James, who was an earthly half-brother of Jesus, wrote in James 1:17 “Every good thing given, and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” If we affirm what James wrote - then all good comes from God - then there are countless good gifts from God for which to be thankful. Day by day, the follower of Jesus Christ confirms again and again that Jesus is good by observing the many blessings and protections that come his/her way.
It’s not that the Christian only sees and experiences good, as through “rose-colored” glasses. Trials abound and so does evil. But the follower of Christ sees trials as a necessary part of growth (James 1:2-3) and discerns evil as that which we must call out as opposing God’s good (hopefully with graciousness). This is all learned through training in the Word of God, which gives divine advice on how to live out God’s goodness in our world.
Jesus, our Good Shepherd, is our ultimate example and guide of how to navigate through this world of ours in being “good.” He both guides and protects, if we will yield to him as our good shepherd. And he has given us the written Word of God as the divine handbook on living out this life.
That is why Oaks Bible Church is committed to teaching and applying the Word of God. We are not “good” - only God is good. But by learning and applying his principles of good we can become better and better representatives of his good in our world. Come grow with us and confirm His goodness!